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Jury Duty - Courthouse Decorem

Handbook for Jurors

Proper documentation must be submitted along with this form (i.e., utility bills, document with current address, doctor's note with explanation of why service cannot be completed, etc.)

Jury Selection

Your name has been drawn by lot for service as a Juror in the trial of a criminal or civil case in the 40th Judicial District Court for the Parish of St. John the Baptist.  Every jury is randomly selected by a computer program.

Qualifications and Exemptions

Jury service is a privilege and a duty.  It is a privilege because only qualified persons can serve.  It is also a duty and you are compelled to appear until excused or discharged.


In order to qualify to serve as a juror, a person must:

* Be a citizen of the United States and of this state who has resided within the parish in which he is to serve as a juror for at least one year immediately preceding his jury service.

* Be at least 18 years of age.

* Be able to read, write and speak the English language.

* Not have a mental or physical infirmity which makes service impossible.

* Not be under indictment for a felony; not have been convicted of a felony for which he has not been pardoned.


If you are not qualified under the preceding provisions, you should make your disqualifications known to the Court by communication with the judge whose name is on the summons served on you, prior to the date.  THE JUDGE IS THE ONLY PERSON WITH THE AUTHORITY TO EXCUSE YOU!


Over 70?

If you are over the age of seventy (70) and want to waive your right to the jury process, the court must receive a written request for excusal.  This must be done each time you are called to serve.

Courthouse Rules and Decorem

* No cell phones are allowed in the Courthouse

* No shorts or tank tops allowed in the building

* Shoes must be worn at all times

* No food or drinks allowed in the Courtroom

Note:  Those parties/litigants not properly attired will be given return dates.



Upon arrival at the Edgard Courthouse, please make sure that you check in with a Clerk of Court representative at the desk in the front seating area.  This will insure that you receive your check after completing service.  (Please note that there are times when it is necessary to mail your check.)


You must appear in person at the Edgard Courthouse on the set day and set time in order to receive your check.

St. John Parish Clerk of Court Seal

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Physical Location (Westbank))

Edgard Courthouse

2393 Highway 18

Edgard, LA 70049


Physical Location (Eastbank)

New Government Complex

1811 W. Airline Hwy.

LaPlace, LA  70068


​Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 280

Edgard, LA  70049

985.497.3331 (Phone) Edgard

985.652.8041 (Phone) LaPlace


Civil Fax:  985.497.3972


Criminal Fax:  985.497-6941


Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday

8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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2393 Highway 18

Edgard, LA 70049

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